
Happy holidays, from the Co.Lab team!

Here's what to expect come 2021

Helen and Sefunmi
December 23, 2020

Happy Holidays everyone! We’ll keep this week’s newsletter short to give you a sneak peak into what’s coming in 2021, and a quick update on applications.

Setting intentions for the new year

We’re ready for 2021. Though aren’t we all at this point? 😅

But that’s not to discount everything that’s happened in 2020. We’ve accomplished a lot this year together!

Over 60 aspiring Product Managers, Developers, and Designers have gone through Co.Lab.

There are over 20 products that have been launched, ranging from Impact Nigeria , to Mirromi, to soon-to-be-publicly-available Reclaim.

Co.Laborators have also landed jobs. Alumni include developers at General Motors and Microsoft; designers at Health Espresso and with the Government of Canada; and an incoming PM II at Microsoft. That’s not even an entry level role. We also have many in the interview stages so we look forward to celebrating their fresh adventures in the new year.

Again, we are consistently blown away by the hard work done by all of our participants. This is all them and their efforts, though we’re glad that Co.Lab has helped them really step into their roles, form industry connections, gain practical experience… and most importantly, attain the confidence that they can succeed.

Join Sefunmi and Helen, co-founders of Co.Lab, for a Live Info Session and AMA. Come along with your questions as you learn more about the upcoming Winter 2021 cohort and hear Co.Lab alumni success stories.

So now, what’s next?

Co.Lab, and our You Belong in Tech community, has always been focused on growing Confidence through Community and Collaboration. (Starting to get why we’re called Co.Lab now?) We also want to make sure all of our initiatives stay centered around our core values.

In 2021, you can expect to see:

  • More free workshops held for the public (like our You Belong X Github Panel, with opportunities to connect with one another)
  • A big-bang conference, the first of it’s kind with a focus on collaboration, belonging, and industry excellence
  • Continued valuable content via this newsletter (have any ideas? send us a message on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram and let us know!)
  • Improved branding across our platforms, website, and more! (Sefunmi is super excited about this 🙋🏿‍♂️)
  • Co.Laborator success stories + plenty more

All this to say that in 2021, we hope to continuing serving authenticity, connection and opportunity!

Sign up now for Winter 2021!

Our dates have been announced for the Winter 2021 Co.Lab Cohort! Whether you want to join as a participant, or a mentor, our applications are now open!

PM Applications

Design Applications

Developer Applications

Mentor Applications

We do rolling acceptances, so sign up today! Apps close starting January 15, 2021.

Thanks, and a bye-for-now!

With Co.Lab, we want to empower individuals in reaching their goals. Yes, that starts with careers in tech, but it also extends far beyond that. We want to instill the confidence of knowing that you have the ability of reaching your goals, period.

Regardless of what those goals are.

You belong in tech. You belong in general.

That being said, this will be our last newsletter post in 2020. We are so grateful for your support this year, and we hope to continue to be a value-add for you all in the future. ❤️

Have a safe and happy holiday season! We will see you in the new year.

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