
Ethnic is a meal prep app designed to simplify the homemade meal preparation process.

Brad McEwen

Product Experience

Problem Background 


The target audience for "Ethnic" comprises busy individuals within the working class, specifically Gen Z and Millennials living solo in Toronto, Canada. 

According to Homeruninnpizza:

“Eating alone is common, especially among Gen Z, with 64% stating that they are more likely to cook for themselves than for family, friends, or significant others, compared to 47% of Millennials.”

“While Gen Z and Millennials both lament the financial cost of cooking at home, it’s not the number one reason for avoiding the kitchen – the biggest deterrent is the time cost of meal preparation.”

“While their budgets for takeout, delivery, and dine-in experiences are similar (with weekly averages of $48.10 for Gen Z and $59.52 for Millennials), 81% of Gen Z and 70% of Millennials report that they would cook more at home if it were more affordable.”

These users encounter challenges in preparing homemade meals due to time constraints, lack of motivation, and a craving for variety in their daily culinary experiences.

Need or Problem

We aim to address the struggle these customers face in planning, preparing, and enjoying diverse and convenient homemade meals. The identified problems include time limitations, budget constraints, and the monotony of repetitive meal choices.

Why Address Now

This issue is particularly pressing now due to the increasing demand for convenient meal solutions in a fast-paced urban lifestyle. Insights from user research indicate a significant market gap and a strong desire for a solution that caters to the unique needs and preferences of our target demographic. By tackling this problem now, we can tap into a growing market and establish "Ethnic" as a pioneer in transforming the homemade meal preparation experience.

What We Know

Through extensive user research in Toronto, Canada, focusing on working-class Gen Z and Millennials living independently, we collected data using online surveys and in-person interviews. Key findings include:

  • 60% of respondents engage in weekly meal prep.
  • Time and motivation are the primary pain points, with 88.9% citing a lack of time.
  • Budget constraints influence meal choices.
  • Users desire variety and seek a solution to the issue of repetitive meals.
  • There is a need for pre-prepared meal plans with grocery lists catering to diverse dietary preferences.

How We Know This is a Problem

The synthesis of survey responses and interview insights reveals consistent challenges and pain points faced by the target demographic. Participants expressed frustration with the time-consuming nature of meal prep, the struggle to maintain variety, and the desire for a solution that aligns with their busy lifestyles. A surprising finding is that convenience is a major driver towards fast food rather than meal prep, emphasizing the urgency of providing a solution that addresses these concerns.


Empower users to effortlessly incorporate diverse, homemade meals into their busy lifestyles. Our solution addresses time constraints and the desire for variety, aiming to give users control over their nutrition and well-being.

Transform the perception and experience of homemade meal preparation into a convenient, enjoyable, and diverse activity. Shift the narrative around homemade meals from being time-consuming and monotonous to be an exciting and accessible part of daily life.

Improve the overall quality of life for busy individuals by simplifying the meal planning and preparation process. Acknowledge the impact of diet on well-being and mental health, and strive to make nutritious and delicious meals more accessible, leading to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Foster a sense of community among users who share a common interest in diverse and convenient meal preparation. Establish a community that creates a supportive environment where users can share experiences, recipes, and tips, enhancing the overall user experience.

Addressing the specific needs and preferences of the target demographic, identified through extensive user research, by tailoring the app to the unique challenges faced by busy working-class individuals ensures the solution is relevant and valuable.

User Stories 

‘As a busy professional, I want to easily discover and follow diverse meal plans with pre-prepared grocery lists, so that I can save time on meal planning, enjoy a variety of meals, and maintain a healthier lifestyle without the stress of extensive preparation.’

‘As a young adult living alone, I want to personalize my meal plans based on my dietary preferences and available ingredients, so that I can enjoy delicious homemade meals that align with my taste, making my cooking experience enjoyable and tailored to my needs.’

‘As a user with budget constraints, I want to access affordable meal plans with integrated grocery delivery options, so that I can optimize my spending, save time on grocery shopping, and still enjoy a diverse range of meals without breaking the bank.’

‘As a community-oriented individual, I want to connect with other users through forums and discussion boards, so that I can share meal ideas, tips, and experiences, fostering a sense of community and gaining inspiration for my meal preparations.’

Proposed Solution 

Problem statement

How might we make the homemade meal prep experience engaging and convenient for our customers?

The proposed solution is the development and launch of the "Ethnic" app—a user-friendly platform offering diverse, pre-prepared meal plans with easy-to-follow recipes and personalized grocery lists, all tailored to your preferences and dietary needs. This solution addresses time constraints, budget concerns, and the desire for culinary variety based on individual preferences.

We plan to initiate a curated selection of meals before expanding our culinary options based on demand.


‘As a busy professional in Toronto, I want to easily discover and follow diverse meal plans with pre-prepared grocery lists, so that I can save time on meal planning, enjoy a variety of meals, and maintain a healthier lifestyle without the stress of extensive preparation.’

Scenario: The user opens the app, easily navigates to the meal plan section, and discovers a curated list of diverse meal plans.

Definition of Done: The user can effortlessly browse through a variety of meal plans, each with appealing visuals and brief descriptions, providing a clear overview of available options.

‘As a young adult living alone, I want to personalize my meal plans based on my dietary preferences and available ingredients, so that I can enjoy delicious homemade meals that align with my taste, making my cooking experience enjoyable and tailored to my needs.’

Scenario: The user accesses the app, inputs dietary preferences, and receives personalized meal plan recommendations based on their tastes and available ingredients.

Definition of Done: The user successfully customizes their meal preferences, and the app provides tailored meal plans, ensuring each recipe aligns with the user's specified dietary requirements and ingredient availability.

‘As a user with budget constraints, I want to access affordable meal plans with integrated grocery delivery options, so that I can optimize my spending, save time on grocery shopping, and still enjoy a diverse range of meals without breaking the bank.’

Scenario: A user explores the app's budget-friendly meal plans, selects one, and seamlessly integrates the grocery list into an order for delivery.

Definition of Done: The user can easily identify and choose meal plans tagged as budget-friendly, and the app facilitates a smooth transition to a partnered grocery delivery service for a seamless ordering experience (Uber Eats, doordash, or Instacart).

‘As a community-oriented individual, I want to connect with other users through forums and discussion boards, so that I can share meal ideas, tips, and experiences, fostering a sense of community and gaining inspiration for my meal preparations.’

Scenario: A user engages with the app's forums, shares a favourite recipe, receives positive feedback, and gains inspiration for their next meal prep.

Definition of Done: The user can navigate to the community section, post content, and interact with other users, fostering a sense of connection and inspiration within the "Ethnic" community.

Product Success Metrics 

  • Acquiring a user base of at least # active users by the first quarter after launch.
  • Maintaining an average user satisfaction rating of 4.5 out of 5.
  • Achieving a 60% or higher adoption rate of key features (personalization, community forums, grocery delivery integration) within the user base.
  • At least a 20% engagement rate within the community forums and discussion boards.


Product Manager Learnings:

Kayode Olajide

Designer Learnings:

Developer Learnings:

Developers Learnings:


Full Team Learning