DTTPPM Portfolio


Baby Food Tracker

Brad McEwen

Product Experience

Problem Space 

Problem Statement  

Parents need an efficient method of tracking food as they are introduced to their infants/children because it helps them monitor how their children respond and interact with the food.

Problem Background  

Parenting has no rules; as a parent, you’re mostly experimenting to see what works for you and your baby. Nutrition and feeding are areas where parents research, experiment, and ask questions to ensure they are doing what’s best for their child.

Research Insights

User Pain Points

About 62% of parents surveyed indicated it was vital to keep track of what their infant eats. 

Supporting Data

The data collected show that about 64% of parents don’t keep track while some of the parents who did keep track, did so either mentally or with a pen and paper. 


Our user research validates this problem with the need to for parents to track signs of allergies, eating habits and food like and dislikes of children. 

Landing on the Solution 

Based on our target users’ pain points, we knew we wanted to work on the following features

  • Account creation for multiple children
  • Meal documenting by free text
  • Food type or category tracking using predetermined and customizable tags
  • Sharing abilities between different users
  • Allergy documentation with the ability to note the severity 

Explanation of Solution

The solution is one that users can use daily for young children and has an easy flow to make the process seamless and enjoyable. The solution, based on user research will provide parents and caregivers the chance to improve their infants' health through careful observation and documentation of their eating habits which will ultimately inform future meal times.

User Flows/Mockups

FirstPlates Mockup 

Future Steps

From speaking with customers, a possible additional problem to address is providing meal recommendations based on the childs age and eating habits (likes and dislikes); recommending creative ways to introduce or re-introduce meals. 



Product Manager Learnings:

Bomo Eke-Spiff

Co.Lab was an interesting experience for me especially the mentorship sessions and feedbacks. My mentor is very knowledgeable as a PM and provided feedback that made me evaluate and re-evaluate my problem space, research ro ensure the solution was viable. 

Designer Learnings:

Developer Learnings:

Developers Learnings:


Full Team Learning