Heartbeats Across Borders: Supporting Healthcare in Nigeria.

Brad McEwen

Problem Space 

Absence of a donation platform for Nigerians in the diaspora to channel support toward healthcare initiatives in Nigeria

Problem Statement  

How might we help Nigerians abroad create a safe, accessible, and transparent platform to make donations and pledge their support towards improving healthcare initiatives in Nigeria while keeping them motivated to do more?

Problem Background  

This problem space originated from my own experience of wanting to give back to my home country by making consistent recurring monthly donations to the healthcare sector, but I could not find any platform that does that. Upon my user research, I discovered that other Nigerians living abroad deeply want to contribute to healthcare back home, but they're facing a tough challenge. There just aren't enough easy ways for them to do it. They lack accessible and transparent platforms through which to channel their donations. This leads to frustration and a lack of motivation to give. As a result, healthcare projects in Nigeria aren't getting the support they need to grow and improve. It's a real struggle, leaving many feelings disconnected from the vital work that's needed to build better healthcare for everyone.

Research Insights

I conducted a survey and got 20 responses from Nigerians residing in the Diaspora, several key insights emerged regarding their motivations and preferences for supporting healthcare delivery initiatives in Nigeria.

I was able to deduce the pain points my audience experiences that are hindering their ability to donate to healthcare in Nigeria. These pain points are a lack of trust/transparency to remove barriers in the donation process. Inaccessible donation platforms and a lack of motivation to foster a sense of connection and purpose.

Supporting Data

Firstly, it was found that 60% of respondents expressed a reluctance to engage in donations due to prevailing trust issues. This indicates a critical need for initiatives and platforms that prioritize transparency and accountability to alleviate concerns and build confidence among potential donors.

Secondly, an overwhelming majority, constituting 83.3% of respondents, indicated a preference for making donations through online platforms. Additionally, these individuals emphasized the importance of affiliating or endorsing such platforms with reputable charity organizations. This underscores the significance of partnering with established entities to enhance credibility and facilitate ease of donation transactions.

Furthermore, the survey revealed that 100% of the participants had tangible reasons motivating their desire to contribute to healthcare initiatives in Nigeria. For some, it was a matter of giving back to their homeland, while others were driven by personal connections, such as having family members still residing in Nigeria. These individual motivations highlight the diverse and deeply personal reasons underlying the diaspora community's inclination to support healthcare projects in their home country.

In summary, my preliminary user research findings validate the importance of addressing trust issues, prioritizing online donation platforms affiliated with reputable organizations, and recognizing the diverse motivations driving diaspora Nigerians to contribute to healthcare delivery initiatives in Nigeria.

Landing on the Solution 

Based on the research of target users, I know that the creation of a website with my product name "Heartbeats Across Borders: Supporting Healthcare in Nigeria" will help create a social media presence and awareness and strategic partnership with Zephy, a distinguished non-profit donation platform, will help to streamline the reception and processing of donations, ensuring a seamless experience for contributors. This collaboration will facilitate accessibility and ease of contribution for individuals, empowering them to make a meaningful difference in supporting healthcare initiatives in Nigeria.

Explanation of Solution

  • Website Creation: Establish a central online hub to raise awareness, engage potential donors, and provide a streamlined platform for making contributions.
  • Strategic Partnership with Zephy: Utilize Zephy’s established platform to ensure a secure, trustworthy, and efficient donation process.
  • Facilitating Accessibility and Ease of Contribution: Ensure that donating is as easy and accessible as possible, encouraging more people to contribute.
  • Empowering Contributors and Supporting Healthcare Initiatives: Inspire and motivate potential donors by clearly demonstrating the impact of their contributions and involving them in the cause through transparency, regular updates, recognition, and engagement opportunities.

Future Steps

I plan to iterate more on my MVP and add some of these features:

  •  Creating an interactive, user-friendly website with personalized donor dashboards and live chat support. 
  • Expand social media engagement through influencer partnerships and user-generated content campaigns. 
  • Develop additional partnerships with corporations, NGOs, and educational institutions. Implement advanced analytics to optimize donor engagement and measure impact. 
  • Diversify fundraising through crowdfunding, subscription donations, events, and merchandise sales. 
  • Increase community involvement with volunteer programs and local engagement. 
  • Innovate with technology, including a mobile app and blockchain for transparency. 
  • Expand educational outreach with awareness campaigns and workshops.
  • Regularly monitor, evaluate, and publish impact reports to continuously improve and sustain the project.


Product Manager Learnings:

Zainab Jibril-Babaita

As a Product Manager, I learnt the paramount importance of dedicating sufficient time to thoroughly understand the problem space before embarking on solution development. This means prioritizing extensive user research and using open-ended questioning techniques to elicit valuable insights, needs, and pain points from users.

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