SPRINT29 - Portfolio


ImmediTask! Services done right, performed safely, and at your fingertips.

Brad McEwen
James Wei

Problem Space 

Many individuals rely on services like Handy or TaskRabbit for immediate task completion, but ensuring safety, especially for vulnerable groups like single women, households with young children, and locations with valuable items, remains a significant challenge. The lack of safety guarantees, taskers being unable to complete tasks, limited immediate availability, and the need to schedule tasks for future days are common pain points experienced by users. How can we enhance the safety measures of such services to provide peace of mind and trust for all users?

Problem Background  

As a remote worker, I often struggle with completing tasks and errands due to time constraints or a lack of expertise. While apps like TaskRabbit or Handy offer convenience, the foremost concern is ensuring safety. Inviting someone into my home to address unfinished tasks, especially with children present and valuable items at risk, raises significant safety apprehensions. It's crucial to find a solution that alleviates these concerns and enables tasks to be completed safely and efficiently.

User Pain Points

  1. Lack of Safety Guarantees
  2. Taskers Unable to Complete Tasks
  3. Limited Immediate Availability
  4. Need to Schedule in Advance
  5. Quality of Service
  6. Communication Issues

Supporting Data

After surveying working professionals who either own or rent a home or condo, it was found that 25% had never used apps like Handy or TaskRabbit. Their reasoning stemmed from a preference for hiring from reputable companies to ensure safety and quality work, or at least having guarantees such as money-back policies or job corrections by alternative service providers.

While all respondents expressed some level of concern for safety, their need for efficient task completion often outweighed these apprehensions. Additionally, users expressed a desire for immediate scheduling convenience paired with assurance of safety and accuracy, with a significant 90% indicating willingness to pay more for such a service.


My initial research provided evidence and validation of the problem, reinforcing the need for a solution that prioritizes safety, immediate service, and accuracy.

Landing on the Solution 

The unanimous agreement points towards developing an app that meets the diverse needs of all users. Key priorities include prioritizing safety, ensuring immediate service delivery, and maintaining high accuracy levels. Moreover, a crucial aspect that enhances every app is its ease of navigation and user-friendliness, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all users.

Future Steps

Next steps for ImmediTask would be developing an interactive prototype to showcase the app's functionality and design. I would need to conduct user testing sessions to gather valuable feedback and prioritize features that align with my core priorities of safety, immediate service, accuracy, and user-friendliness. Following agile methodologies, I will then commence development and thorough testing to ensure high standards of functionality and performance. At some point I would need to do marketing to generate excitement and attract my target audience. Post-launch, I would continue to gather feedback, iterate on the app based on user insights, and explore opportunities for expansion and scaling as ImmediTask gains traction and user adoption.


Product Manager Learnings:

Takiyah Anderson

Taking this bootcamp taught me patience. The biggest focus was needing to unlearn my "bad" habits and not jump to solving the problem. Initially I was frustrated with my mentor's feedback because I took it as him telling me to start over. But that wasn't the case; I just needed to redirect my focus and settle on one thing from what I already had.

Designer Learnings:

Developer Learnings:

Developers Learnings:


Full Team Learning