Resume Ranger

Resume Ranger Is an online platform designed to streamline the process of creating, tailoring, and managing resumes for job seekers.

Brad McEwen

Problem Statement  

How might we make the experience of creating and tailoring resumes easier, centralized, and time efficient for job seekers? 

Problem Background  

AARP states that in May 2024 the overall unemployment rate increased slightly, from 3.9 percent to 4 percent. (1) And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, both the unemployment rate, at 4.1 percent, and the number of unemployed people, at 6.8 million, changed little in June. These measures are higher than a year earlier, when the jobless rate was 3.6 percent and the number of unemployed people was 6.0 million. (2)

Job search and job applications take a lot of time and preparation. Ultimately, it's a numbers game — the more applications you send out, the more likely you are to get invited for an interview – which doesn’t necessarily guarantee a job. It’s suggested that if the goal is to land a job in one month, that a job seeker should be sending out 25 job applications in a week (3) – this being on top of the jobs of researching relevant job postings, having to perfect and tailor that resume and cover letter for your job hunt, preparing for an interview, preparing and taking assessments and more.

For the average job seeker, the job search is basically a job of its own; it can be overwhelming and time-consuming.  What you thought would take minutes to apply, has now taken you a full half hour or more to complete. One may be thinking who has time to sit and tailor every single resume to each application? And, is it a waste of time given the low chances of actually hearing back from the company due to the highly competitive nature of the job market right now?

User Pain Points 

I conducted a survey to obtain initial user data with regards to the resume creation process. To address this problem effectively the questions were focused specifically on the resume creation process alone. 

While conducting my own user research, I received 20 responses and found that 85% of job seekers felt frustrated by the resume creation process and wanted a resume-building platform with pre-designed templates. Also, 90% of job seekers desired integration with job boards and LinkedIn for convenience, and 95% of job seekers felt that a resume-building platform with these features could significantly improve and speed up their job search process. 

These findings confirm the need for a solution that simplifies resume creation and tailoring, enhances customization, and integrates with existing job search platforms to improve the overall job application experience.

Research Insights

Research confirmed some of my assumptions and challenged others. Some key insights are as follows: 

  • Resume Customization is Time-Consuming: Customizing resumes for different job postings is a significant pain point which was confirmed by the research, 55% of respondents found it difficult and annoying to tailor each resume for each job application.
  • Demand for Efficient Tools and Features: It was confirmed that users value tools that streamline the resume creation process and integrate with job search platforms, 85% of respondents wanted a resume-building platform with pre-designed templates, and 90% desired integration with job boards and LinkedIn.
  • Time spent on Tailoring Resumes: The assumption that all users spend a considerable amount of time on each resume might be overstated; some users may already have efficient methods in place, 55% of respondents said they don’t actually spend more than an hour tailoring their resume for a single job application.
  • Security Concerns: The level of concern about data security may be lower than expected. Suggesting that while security is important, it may not be the primary deciding factor for most users in this particular space. 75% of respondents are not concerned about the security of their resume data when using online tools.

Landing on the Solution

The solution I'm proposing to tackle this problem is the creation of a tool or platform that streamlines resume creation with AI-powered suggestions, pre-designed templates, and seamless job board and LinkedIn integrations. This platform would allow job seekers to easily customize, update, and manage multiple resumes in one place, significantly reducing time and frustration. With automatic formatting and a user-friendly interface, Resume Ranger could ensure that job seekers can create professional, tailored resumes effortlessly, increasing their chances of landing their dream job. While I have an idea of how this solution could be enacted, I’m looking forward to working with a team to further build out the solution.


Product Manager Learnings:

Anthony O'Neal

Problems Never Die: Sometimes a problem has already been solved, but there’s always a way to make it better

Defining the Problem Space: Clearly defining the problem space, and investing time in thoroughly understanding the problem before jumping into solution mode is crucial and can help eliminate a lot of confusion later. This includes talking to users, gathering data,and analyzing the broader context of the problem. Basically, as a PM, focus on the problem space, not the solution space.

Importance of Surveys: In speaking to the above, surveys are a powerful tool for gathering quantitative data and understanding user behaviors, preferences, and pain points. If they’re designed correctly, they can ensure you capture relevant and actionable data. The questions should be clear, concise, and aligned with the key research objectives for the best possible results.

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