
Sleekart revolutionizes the grocery shopping experience by introducing innovative bill scanning technology. This advanced feature allows users to effortlessly scan their entire grocery bill, enabling seamless tracking of purchases and enhanced convenience.

Brad McEwen

Product Experience

Problem Space

Navigating the dynamic pace of life in Canada presents unique challenges in effectively managing grocery lists and minimizing food wastage. Current applications rely on manual input, causing inefficiencies and overlooking inventory oversight.

Problem Statement  

In today's fast-paced lifestyle in Canada, effectively managing grocery lists and minimizing food wastage poses a significant challenge. Existing applications require cumbersome manual entry, leading to inefficiencies and oversight in inventory management. Additionally, consumers often forget or overlook product expiry dates, contributing to food wastage. There is an urgent need for a user-friendly solution specifically tailored to the Canadian market, which streamlines grocery tracking, provides insights, and aids in financial management to optimize shopping experiences and reduce wastage.

Problem Background  

In Canada, as in many parts of the world, the landscape of grocery shopping is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and economic factors. Despite these advancements, challenges persist in effectively managing grocery lists, optimizing shopping experiences and minimizing food wastage.

According to the Canada’s Food Price Report 2024, the annual food expenditure for a family of four is projected to increase to $16,297.20, reflecting a significant financial burden on households. The rising cost of food highlights the urgent need for solutions that empower consumers to make informed purchasing decisions and maximize their grocery budgets.

While digital tools such as grocery management apps and food rescue platforms offer promising solutions, adoption rates among Canadians remain relatively low. For instance, Too Good To Go estimates that purchasing one Surprise Bag per week could save a family nearly $700, yet many Canadians are unaware of or hesitant to embrace such initiatives.

Existing grocery management apps like Total Plus, Out of Milk, and FoodShiner offer features such as automated tracking, personalized insights, and barcode scanning. However, feedback from users indicates that there is room for improvement in terms of functionality, usability, and customization options.

Research Insights

User Pain Points

Manual Input: Users find it cumbersome to manually input grocery items into existing apps, leading to inefficiencies and time wastage.

Overlooking Expiry Dates: Forgetting or overlooking product expiry dates is a   common issue, resulting in food wastage and financial losses for users.

Limited Convenience: Users face challenges in accessing and utilizing advanced features such as bill scanning and voice command integration, limiting the convenience of grocery management apps.

Supporting Data

1. Manual input:
Around 94% of people write their list in handwritten notes, remembering the whole list or using notes app, rather than using Existing grocery apps for tracking, because they find it cumbersome to manually input groceries.

2. Overlooking Expiry Dates:
Almost 54% of the user experienced wastage of food because of their expiry


  1. Manual Input:
    Users overwhelmingly prefer methods like handwritten notes, mental lists, or note-taking apps over existing grocery apps for tracking items due to the cumbersome process of manual input. This indicates a significant usability issue with current apps, suggesting a need for more streamlined and efficient data entry methods. Simplifying the input process, perhaps through features like barcode scanning and Voice Command, could greatly enhance user experience.

  2. Overlooking Expiry Dates:
    The high percentage of users experiencing food wastage due to overlooking expiry dates underscores a critical flaw in current grocery management apps. Improving notification systems or implementing automatic reminders for impending expirations could help users prevent food waste and save money. Additionally, enhancing the visibility of expiry dates within the app interface may aid in addressing this pain point

Landing on the Solution

After carefully analyzing our target users' pain points, we have developed a comprehensive solution that addresses their needs and enhances their grocery management experience. Our solution includes the following key features:

  1. Bill Scanning and Voice Command Integration:
    We have integrated advanced bill scanning technology and voice command functionality to enhance convenience and efficiency. Users can effortlessly upload their grocery bills, eliminating the need for manual input and reducing the risk of errors. Additionally, they can quickly add items to their grocery lists using voice commands, enabling hands-free operation and streamlining the shopping process. 
  1. Notification System:
    Sleekart features a notification system that alerts users of approaching expiry dates and low inventory levels. By providing timely reminders, we help users minimize food wastage and maintain sustainable shopping habits.

Explanation of Solution

My solution aims to revolutionize grocery management by offering a comprehensive tool that addresses users' pain points and enhances their overall shopping experience. Through innovative technology and seamless usability, we empower users to make smarter decisions, save time and money, and reduce food wastage.

User Flows/Mockups


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