DTTPPM Portfolio


Your personalised path to academic success! Revolutionise your study routine with tailored plans, motivation boosts, and insightful performance tracking. Elevate your learning effortlessly and achieve excellence. Join Study Flow today and unlock your full academic potential

Brad McEwen

Product Experience

Problem Space 

Problem Statement  

Study Flow aims to address enduring academic hurdles faced by students, such as ineffective study habits, time management issues, motivational deficits, fixed mindsets affecting learning, difficulties in scaling innovative curricula within existing educational structures, and challenges in integrating engaging content into education. Additionally, there's a need to align with the trend towards holistic education and student well-being. Study Flow seeks to make a substantial impact in this space by leveraging user feedback and academic performance data

Problem Background  

Study Flow is dedicated to supporting high school to post-secondary students facing enduring academic hurdles, from ineffective study habits to time management issues and motivational deficits. Our commitment aligns with the pressing need highlighted by extensive research, including studies from Stanford University and the University of Cambridge, emphasising the pivotal role of personalised study approaches and motivation in academic success.

As evidenced by Stanford University's findings, 'Students with a fixed mindset believe that their intellectual ability is a limited entity, and they tend to worry about proving it rather than improving it.' This mindset often leads to concerns about ability, feelings of humiliation, and behaviours such as giving up—issues directly addressed by Study Flow's dedication to mitigating academic challenges.

Furthermore, while innovative curricula, exemplified by Rosina's Da Vinci Life-Skills Curriculum, showcase exciting content, there remains a significant challenge in effectively delivering it at scale within existing educational structures. As underscored by the observation, '...there is still a massive challenge around content. And where we do have a genuinely exciting, content-ready curriculum... there is no obvious way to roll it out at scale without a paradigm shift in how society thinks about education, nor is it clear how technology can really support this.' This echoes Study Flow's commitment to addressing persistent academic hurdles and underscores the complexities in integrating engaging content into the educational framework.

Moreover, the current trend towards holistic education and the heightened focus on student well-being align perfectly with our mission. With the global education technology market valued at over $250 billion, Study Flow recognizes a substantial market opportunity to cater to the demand for comprehensive solutions. By leveraging user feedback and academic performance data, Study Flow aims to make a significant impact in this thriving market.

Research Insights

User Pain Points

The study reveals a spectrum of challenges students grapple with in their academic pursuits. A notable 37% find it arduous to maintain focus during study sessions, while 22.2% struggle with the habitual delay of their study tasks, a characteristic of procrastination. Managing distractions poses a significant hurdle for 18.5% of participants, impacting their ability to concentrate effectively. Interestingly, both staying focused (37%) and combating procrastination tendencies (37%) emerge as substantial pain points in their study routines. Motivation plays a pivotal role, with 37% drawing inspiration from setting clear goals and objectives, while 33.3% derive their drive from their inherent interest in the subject matter. Students employ various tools to aid their study habits, with 51.9% utilising written planners for goal tracking and structuring study routines via to-do lists. Notably, 37% primarily rely on physical planners or notebooks to support their study habits. Additionally, demotivating factors, such as the fear of failure and poor performance, affect 25.9% of participants, posing further challenges in maintaining consistent and effective study habits.

Supporting Data

Students encounter multifaceted challenges in maintaining effective study habits, as highlighted by research findings. These challenges encompass difficulties such as concentrating during study sessions (37%), battling procrastination tendencies (22.2%), and managing distractions that hinder focused learning (18.5%). The struggle to stay focused (37%) and the ongoing battle against procrastination (37%) emerge as significant hurdles in their study routines. Moreover, students draw motivation from various sources, including clear goals (37%) and subject interest (33.3%), while relying on tools like written planners for goal tracking (51.9%) and utilising to-do lists (51.9%) to structure their study routines. Notably, the use of physical planners or notebooks (37%) signifies the reliance on tangible aids. Additionally, demotivating factors such as fear of failure and poor performance (25.9%) further compound the challenges students face in maintaining consistent and effective study habits.


Feedback specific to the Study Flow App showcases distinct user perspectives. Approximately 33.3% of users express appreciation for the value brought by the app's goal tracking and reminders, finding these features crucial for personalized study assistance and motivation. Moreover, a significant 40.7% of participants envision the potential for the app to provide personalized study schedules, catering to individual study-related challenges. Impressively, 44.4% of users perceive the Study Flow app as more than just an application; they view it as a holistic solution capable of mitigating study challenges. These users believe the app's provision of effective time management tools could significantly enhance and motivate their study experience.

Future Steps

  • Build a MVP and Prototype
  • Conduct User Feedback
  • Land a role in Project / Product management


Product Manager Learnings:

Melissa Dixon

Core Learnings in Product Management Course

User Research Insights

  • Conducted in-depth user research techniques to identify and understand user needs and pain points.
  • Utilised research findings to refine problem statements, ensuring solutions align with user expectations and market demands.

Product Requirements Document (PRD) Creation

  • Developed PRD skills, translating user insights into actionable product features and specifications.
  • Learned to articulate clear objectives, functionalities, and design requirements essential for effective product development.

Collaborative Team Experience in Hackathon

  • Participated in a dynamic team environment during a hackathon, applying learned principles of product management.
  • Demonstrated effective teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities in a time-sensitive and competitive setting.

Designer Learnings:

Developer Learnings:

Developers Learnings:


Full Team Learning